Digital Marketing In A Cookie-Less Internet
Consumers prefer ads tailored to their interests yet want less invasive advertising. Marketers and advertisers need cost-effective ways to achieve their financial objectives but are moving toward less data to validate campaigns, without access to third-party cookie data. These factors, combined with the importance of privacy, requires marketers to get even more creative in their approach toward digital marketing strategy.
Let's look at the potential impact on agencies, brands, publishers and consumers addressed by Forbes.
For Agencies And Brands:
Cookie-based data is the most commonly used data in digital marketing campaigns. The lack of cookie-based tracking and less clarity surrounding online consumer behaviors will make it more difficult to validate digital campaign effectiveness.For
The inability for publishers to easily quantify and categorize site traffic will make it harder for publishers to value and monetize their traffic. Premium publishers may look at this as an opportunity to create products that advertisers will want once third-party tracking goes away.
For Consumers:
With the elimination of third-party cookies, consumers gain a greater degree of privacy, data protection and control over how their online data is used with laws like GDPR and CCPA.
Who's benefiting most from this 'cookie-less' world?
Forbes believe Facebook is in the best position to directly benefit from the transition away from third-party cookie data. Facebook is ubiquitous with users and in the best position to gather enough share of voice to offer a solution to any gap in a cookie-less environment.
What happens to programmatic advertising?
Without cookie data, the primary source of user data will have to shift to digital identity ' profile, opt-in or login-based data. Other data sources could be mobile device IDs, which are closely tied to the individual consumer.
How will this impact ad budgets?
Digital campaign planning will need to become more sophisticated in sourcing the targeting and validating the results of campaigns, more budget allocation will shift toward strategic planning and less on heavy automation.
What does this mean for marketing and campaign strategy?
A combination of logged-in activity, mobile device usage, location, purchase data and lookalike modeling will need to be used to craft a targeting strategy.
What's the solution?
First-party cookies are here to stay, the reliance on first-party and higher quality data collected and housed in CRM systems will increase in value and importance.
Forbes Tips To Succeed
Using simple overlay data or basic market segmentation will not get the level of performance marketers and brands need to be profitable, especially in a cookie-less world. Knowing which data providers have what you need to create custom data strategies is also a key to your marketing success in this new world.
Change in marketing and life is inevitable. It's how we respond that counts.
Take a closer look at how Digital Marketing is affected in a cookie-less internet