How this eCommerce Store Spent $12,604 and Made $1,999,349 in 30 Days Using Google Ads' Smart Shopping

As Founder & CEO of top-ranked Google Ads agency Solutions 8, Kasim Aslam has learned the ins and outs of Google Ads' Smart Shopping. Not only does he have a successful track record of generating sky-high ROAS on the platform, but he shared his secrets with us at this year's Affiliate Summit East.''
Here's a peek at how Aslam helped one company make $2m with just a $12k investment using Google Ads' Smart Shopping.'
Setting the Record Straight on Smart Shopping
A lot of what you know about Smart Shopping comes from what Google Ads tells you. This is a problem because a lot of what Google says about Smart Shopping is "bull****.''
The main thing to know about Smart Shopping, according to Aslam? It's 'dynamic prospecting."' It uses machine learning to understand what potential buyers are looking for, combines that understanding with possible intent based on demographics, then matches searchers with products.'
This means you can use it to prospect on your behalf.'
Best (and Worst) Practices for Smart Shopping
According to Aslam, Google's Smart Shopping advice is only half true. Here's what holds up and what falls short:'
? At least 20 conversions over the last 45 days in standard shopping
?Site tag and remarketing list with at least 100 users
?Do not use Smart Shopping and Standard Shopping campaigns together
?Do not run remarketing campaigns alongside Smart Shopping
?Use one Smart Shopping Campaign for all your products
?Give your Smart Shopping campaign at least 45 days to see proper result
?Keep your product feed up to date
Google Shopping Tips and Tricks'
Aslam also shared some additional must-have tips for making the most of Smart Shopping, including the following:'
1. Don't make assumptions about what's going to sell-
Include your entire product catalog
Don't prioritize anything to start with
Let Smart Shopping learn and identify what people actually want
Robust product information
Descriptive titles
Robust product descriptions
Relevant product details
Keep your feed up to date
Optimize your feed reactively
Products that sell well'
Products that aren't moving'.
These identifiers for trade items were developed by GS1
They're used to look up product information in a database that may belong to retailers, manufacturers, collectors, researchers, or other entities
Use them! (They're tedious but not expensive.)
Run separate Smart Shopping campaigns grouping products by margin
Higher margin products have a lower ROAS requirement
Smart Shopping Parting Words from Aslam
Run a brand campaign
Run a dynamic product remarketing campaign with maximum conversion bidding strategy'
Use First Click as a conversion attribution model
Include lifestyle ads'
Increase a budget until at least 30 days'
Scale at a rate faster than 15 percent of daily ad spend
Increase on a weekly basis'
Start with a ROAS Goal
Pause your campaigns
One last note from Aslam?
These results aren't the exception.
He uses these strategies to consistently generate high ROAS for ecommerce clients across all types of products.
These outcomes are yours for the taking when you adopt his strategic approach to Google Ads' Smart Shopping.'
Aslam posts business advice, Google Ads advice, and Google Shopping advice every day on his YouTube channel.