International Women's Day - an interview with Christina from Lovehoney
In the lead up to International Women's Day on March 8th, Affiliate Summit are celebrating women in Affiliate Marketing and interviewing a number of women in the industry. We spoke to Christina from Lovehoney and spoke about who's her inspiration, the biggest issue for women in affiliate marketing, the proudest moment of her career, and more.
What is the proudest moment of your career?
Lovehoney was highly commended for best managed affiliate program at the PMA's last year, I have never felt so proud of my efforts.
Why have you chosen to work within affiliate marketing?
The affiliate and digital space is such a thriving and exciting industry - if you blink you can miss new tech and publishers emerging! I particularly like working for Lovehoney as I fully believe in our brand message of spreading sexual happiness and wellbeing for all.
What do you think is the biggest issue for women in affiliate marketing?
The affiliate industry can be very consuming with late nights and time away from home. Depending on your current life stage, this can be a strain on your personal life.
I think it's important to speak up if your work-life balance is becoming difficult - nothing is more important than your mental health and happiness.
What advice would you give to woman in affiliate marketing?
Be confident in your worth and negotiate. In my experience, women can be perceived to have a tendency to be more polite, but in this industry it pays to be confident.
What female figure is your inspiration and why?
Helen Keller. Against all odds she managed to do the impossible, obtaining a Bachelor of Arts Degree despite being deaf, dumb and blind - I can't think of a better example that' demonstrates you can do anything you put your mind to.
The most important message you would send out to your peers, friends and colleagues?
The affiliate marketing world is an industry of relationships - build trust, be kind, and the world will be kind back.
Any empowering books/ articles you would recommend?
'In Order To Live' -' Yeonmi Park [The author's account of how she escaped North Korea]
'A Thousand Splendid Suns' - Khaled Hosseini [A tale of endurance and hardship from the perspectives of two women in Afghanistan]'
These two are the most moving books I have ever read.
I think it's really important to understand other cultures and the struggles that people have gone through. To ensure we really appreciate life, and the rights that women through the ages have fought for.
A quote by a female figure that you go by
'You get in life what you have the courage to ask for' - Oprah Winfrey
Global Senior Affiliate Marketing Executive,'Lovehoney
Christina has been working in the affiliate industry for 5 years, previously managing clients from the fashion and beauty space, and now assists with managing the Lovehoney affiliate program across 9 markets. Since being at Lovehoney she has implemented initiatives including Attribution reporting, customer data insights and blogger events at Lovehoney HQ, all pivotal factors in Lovehoney's recent award commendation.